I was a member of the Green Beret Marching Band for 9 years. My first two years in the band I played the clarinet. I was then the drum major for the majority of the time I was involved. My final year in the band I played the quints, to go out with a bang. Even since I have aged out I still go back and help during practices when I am able to. I have even been known to jump in and march a parade with the band when current members are missing. When you are part of the band you really do become one giant family. My now husband was a fellow woodwind member my first year in the band. You make so many friends and memories that you will cherish for a lifetime including all of the comfortable (and not so comfortable) positions to sleep on a school bus.
Hi! My name is Kaitlin and I've been a part of the color guard from 2012-present. I was also the drum major in 2016. I've had the time of my life in the band since I was 9 years old and I'd never consider giving it up. Please consider joining!
I have been in the Green Beret Band for five years. I played the flute for two years , then for 2 years I was in the pit playing the cello in our newly added string section, I am now back on the field with my flute. Being in the band has taught me that I can do anything I desire and that you should just be yourself. Everyone is so nice and welcoming.
I have been with the band for one year. Being a part of this band has helped me feel accepted and included, and has helped me build friendships. This was honestly the best summer of my life and I can't wait for next season!
Years in band: 2
Position: Colorguard/ Secretary of the Jr. Board
I have made so many amazing memories in the band. My time spent with Green Beret has made me a more confident and happy person. The staff and members are all amazing and it was very easy to get along with everyone and have a good time.
In the past five years my family has been part of the Green Beret Marching Band, I have watch my kids flourish in musicality and confidence. My daughter was just 10 years old when she joined the band. It was her summer going into her fifth grade year, she could not play a single note and could not read music. Now, she is in her 8th grade year and learning to play her seventh instrument! My son has also been a part of the band for 5 years. In that time, I have seen a vast improvement in his abilities. The band was an intrical part of him receiving the John Philip Sousa award and deciding to attend college as a music education major. As a parent, I have had the opportunity to attend parades, field shows, and go on tour with the band. These have been some of the most memorable times I've had with my kids. Not only do the band members make lifelong friends, but so do the parents. I spent 1 year as president of the senior board, two years as treasurer and I am again president. Now, let me tell you about the staff of the Green Beret Marching Band. This is a group of people who display great patience. It is no surprise that the Green Berets are the only band in our circuit who accept such young members. Somehow, the staff is able to chorale even our youngest members, keep them on task, and teach them to play in harmony with the other band members. This is no easy feat, yet they somehow make it work. This is a group of people whose dedication shows no boundaries. They give up their Summers to volunteer their time to work with our kids.